25 May
2005 Peter LINDSAY MP
Federal Member for
Dear Ture,
Thank you for coming and see me on Friday 6 May 2005 regarding your
proposal to set up an art gallery/or museum at the Kissing Point site in
Townsville. I understand that you are seeking funding to undertake a preliminary
study as to how this would operate and the whereabouts of artworks and artifacts
that could be put on display.
I believe your concept has real merit, and I can advise that there
is a program operated by the Commonwealth Government through the Department of
Transport and Regional Services called Regional Partnerships, which is
designed to strengthen and provide greater opportunities for economic and social
participation in the community.
I have enclosed some information that is avaliable on the internet
at www.regionalpartnerships.gov.au and
you will note that the program is administered at a local level through Area
Consultative Committees (ACC), details of which can be found at www.acc.gov.au
The local coordinator of Townsville ACC can be contacted as
Chair: Mr John Honeycombe
Executive: Mrs Leonie Davey
Suite 5a, Level 1, 316 Sturt Street
Townsville QLD 4810
Phone: 07 4772 4166
Fax: 07 4772 4911
I trust this has been helpful to you, and I which you all the best
in your future endeavors to make this project a reality.
With best wishes.
Your sincerely
Peter Lindsay MP
Federal Member for Herbert